The Bloodline – „The Sands of Askil“-Update veröffentlicht

The Bloodline – „The Sands of Askil“-Update veröffentlicht

Die Shieldbearer Studios und der Publisher HOOK haben das „The Sands of Askil“-Update für ihr Sandbox-Action RPG The Bloodline veröffentlicht. Neu hinzukommt das „Askil“-Königreich, ein neues Gebiet das sich mitten in der großen Wüste versteckt. Dazu gesellen sich neue Aufgaben, frische Biome, neue Reittiere und mehr.

„The Sands of Askil“-Update-Trailer:

Sandbox-Action-RPG startet in den Early Access:

Die Shieldbearer Studios (Solo-Entwickler Miles Whittaker) und der Publisher HOOK haben The Bloodline in den Early Access entlassen. Das Sandbox-Action-RPG ist ab sofort auf dem PC via Steam verfügbar. Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle eines Nachkommen der Harbinger-Blutlinie und unsere Aufgabe ist es das Land „Eudros“ vor den „Unforgiven“ zu beschützen.

Publisher Hook steigt ein

Die Shieldbearer Studios erhalten Unterstützung in Form des Publishers HOOK um das Sandbox-Action-RPG The Bloodline zu veröffentlichen. Das Spiel wird am 05. Oktober 2023 auf dem PC via Steam als Early Access-Version starten.

Developed by Miles Whittaker, founder and the sole developer for Shieldbearer Studios, The Bloodline is a very personal project:

“Like all indie developers, I have a true, deep passion for gaming. Specifically, RPGs! Ever since I was little, I’ve had an obsession with anything fantasy. Lord of the Rings and the Elder Scrolls were my primary focus. I’d spend countless hours playing Morrowind, crafting spells and potions that would practically break the game.

I’ve craved a game that would scratch that itch for years now, and I haven’t been able to find one that truly felt like a freeform sandbox RPG, so I set out to make one on my own! For the past 3 years, I’ve been hard at work making my first ever game –  The Bloodline!

After a year or so of development, the game gained a large following and encouraged me to release a demo, which reached thousands of players and garnered a ton of feedback, encouraging me to push the game further and further! I formed my own solo-dev studio, Shieldbearer Studios, and kept working hard on the game, until the game was spotted by 505 Games – specifically, some dudes from HOOK! They loved the look of the game, and recognized the potential the game has. Long story short, we’re now working together and Steam Early Access is just around the corner!

My goal is to shape The Bloodline into a true sandbox roleplaying experience.  The feeling of freedom I felt from games like Morrowind is something I’ve tried so hard to emulate in The Bloodline. Your character should play *exactly* how you want to play. I find that most RPG’s nowadays pull away from true role playing elements. .”


In meinen Adern fließt Gaming :D

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