Toge Productions und Rolling Glory Jamhaben den Comic-Platformer Rage in Peace angekündigt. Der Titel wird im September für den PC via Steam sowie Nintendo Switch erscheinen. Um was es in dem Spiel geht sowie Gameplay-Szenen findet ihr am Ende der News im aktuellen Story-Trailer.
Das sagt der Entwickler:
“Ever since we prototyped Rage in Peace in 2014 at IndieVsPewDiePie Game Jam, it’s become a labor of love for us,” said Rolling Glory Jam Director Dominikus D Putranto. “We wanted to make a game that was both fun to play and contained a deeper meaning about the human experience. We think Rage in Peace strikes that delicate balance perfectly.”
“Rage in Peace is one of the most addictive and thoughtful games in development right now, and we’re proud to team up with Rolling Glory Jam to release it,” said Toge Productions Founder and CEO Kris Antoni. “Indonesia is a hotbed of creativity and we can’t wait for the world to see what we’re capable of when Rage in Peace launches this Fall.”