Der Entwickler ShoulderByte erhält Unterstützung in Form des Publishers Hooded Horse um Drill Keeper zu veröffentlichen. Ursprünglich wurde das Spiel bereits 2021 angekündigt. Nun soll die Mischung aus Tower Defense, Roguelite-Deckbuilding und Echtzeitstrategiespiel bald erscheinen und zwar auf dem PC via Steam.
First announced last year and in development since 2021, Drill Keeper is the brainchild of solo developer Dennis Strümpel. “Teaming up with Hooded Horse marks an exciting chapter for my little studio,” says Strümpel. “Their commitment to innovation and quality perfectly aligns with my creative vision, and together, we will drill down to the core of what makes a great strategy game.”
“I love Dungeon Keeper, Slay the Spire, and Dwarves (in any game, movie, or form),” says Hooded Horse CEO Tim Bender. “ The existence of this game will significantly hurt my productivity here at Hooded Horse, so might as well make it part of the portfolio so I have some loose business justification for the hours I’m going to spend.”