Die Helios Studio haben mit „In Control“ das nächste Update für Black One Blood Brothers veröffentlicht. Neu mit dabei sind: zwei neue Karten, der Kampagnen-Editor und mehr.
Victor, solo developer and founder of Helios Studio, commented: „Creating Black One Blood Brothers has been a true passion project that took me several years to build. My goal was to bring back the joy of a single-player tactical FPS, where everyone can play at their own pace and develop their own combat strategies. But I also wanted to go further with the innovative Battle Plan feature, adding an extra layer of strategy on top of the first-person view and quick commands. Seeing the game’s community grow has been a real pleasure, and I’m thrilled to release this new update, which directly addresses players‘ feedback.“
„In Control“-Update-Trailer:
Vollversion des Taktik-Shooters in 2025
Die Helios Studios haben ein neues Early Access-Major-Update für ihren taktischen Ego-Shooter Black One Blood Brothers veröffentlicht. Damit wird der Full Release außerdem auf 2025 gesetzt. Mit dem letzten Update wurden die Charaktere, Waffen und deren Animationen komplett überarbeitet. Dazu gesellen sich zwanzig Missionen in der Kampagne und per Zufall erstellte Einsätze.
Das Spiel selbst kann aktuell als Early Access-Fassung auf dem PC via Steam käuflich erworben werden.
Victor, solo developer and founder of Helios Studio, commented: „Creating Black One Blood Brothers has been a true passion project that took me several years to build. My goal was to bring back the joy of a tactical FPS in single-player, where everyone can play at their own pace and develop their own combat strategies. But I also wanted to go further with the innovative Battle Plan feature, adding an extra layer of strategy on top of the first-person view and quick commands. Seeing the game’s community grow has been a real pleasure, and I’m thrilled to release this new update, which directly addresses players‘ feedback.“