Spellsworn – Major-Update „The Divide“ im Trailer

Spellsworn – Major-Update „The Divide“ im Trailer

Die Frogsong Studios haben ein frisches Update namens The Divide für ihren PVP-Arena-Brawler Spellsworn veröffentlicht. Darin enthalten sind unter anderem neuer Content und ein neuer In-Game-Shop.

Das sagt der Entwickler:

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, our in-game shop hasn’t been accessible since we launched Spellsworn in March, so in celebration of the new in-game shop we’ve also thrown in new spells, skins and lots of new items,” said Stefan Jonsson, CEO of Frogsong Studios. “With over a thousand concurrent players still jumping into the Spellsworn arena every day, we are confident that this major update will bring them a fuller experience and attract new players to battle with as well.”


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